Unfortunately, you'll have to take our word for it. I'm sure there's a lot to do in Phoenix, it's just too hot do it. So the majority of our day was spent lounging in the pool. But the camera was inside. So here's a sampling of the rest of the day, and the things we did do in Phoenix:
We ate:

We took a scenic driving tour of downtown Phoenix, which happens to be adjacent to what a NY real estate broker would call "a transitional neighborhood", which happens to contain Madison St. (did you know that the highways in Phoenix are made of rubberized asphalt?? it's much quieter, and gives your tires a longer life! see? you DO learn something new every day):

We ate some more, the sushi in Scottsdale receives excellent reviews, and we all discovered that Rylie doesn't like it when she sticks chopsticks in her ear, but she does like salmon roe:
