Well, for those of you that don't know, Hector Coulon and Trixie Waterbed (AKA Leo and Amanda) are gettin' hitched at the end of the month. There seem to be a lot of variables that will come in to play after that happens (more on that later...), so we decided to seize the day and venture off on a honeymoon before the wedding. Dangerous? A temptation of fate? Perhaps, but when opportunity comes knocking at your door, you best get up and answer it. We've always talked about doing a west coast tour, and we've always said there's no time like the present. We have a lot of places to visit and people to see along the way.
On that note, tomorrow morning we will be on a 7:50 plane to Phoenix, AZ. We decided to start our little adventure in the desert, where we'll be visiting my best friend from high school, Lisa, her husband, Jason, and their two daughters, Rylie and Reese. It's our last chance here, since they're moving off to the land of 10,000 lakes by the end of next month.
We've just finished packing, and for now, we're off to squeeze in a few winks, dreaming of the Pacific Coast Highway...
Travel safely! And remember, if along the way you find yourself stuck between a hutong and a vazshoozsh, conjugate that waterbed!
Word up. There better be lots of pictures of food, kids. Westward ho!
Sushi in Scottsdale -- isn't that like military intelligence?
MINI "base" prices typically have little to do with the bottom line of the vehicle at the dealership, as few vehicles have more options. There are 48 stand-alone options from which to choose. Sorry! I stood at the dealership and became confused. Left there empty-handed. You'll have to keep the Bug.
Judy Karofsky
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