Holiday Greetings, one and all! Back by popular demand, mostly our own, we've decided to chronicle our latest adventure so you can all share in our misadventures. This time around, we boarded a plane on Wednesday, December 23rd in New York City, and after 12 1/2 hours, 3 movies, two bad airplane meals, and a nap, we touched down in Tokyo.

After we enjoyed this super cool space age tunnel, and didn't enjoy some hairy squid snacks that Hector insisted on trying, we realized our next flight was another 8 hours. Major buzz kill. By this time it was Thursday at 5:00 p.m. Did I mention we left Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.? So, after one more flight, one more airplane meal, and a long nap driven from sheer exhaustion, we finally arrived in Singapore. An incredibly smart taxi driver (that's sarcasm, folks) finally dropped us at Brad and Stephanie's around 1:00 a.m. where there were Tiger beers and friendly faces awaiting us. A short catch up and off to bed so we could wake up early and walk Billie in the incredibly beautiful Botanic Gardens outside of the Jaffe apartment.
For those of you who thought Christmas wouldn't be celebrated in Southeast Asia, I present to you a mere sampling of the extreme decorations we have been presented with.
Gardens were followed by an incredible breakfast at an outdoor market, these run rampant in Singapore and are full of tasty delights, like amazing coffee - in a bag.

Pork, roti parata, noodles, more noodles, and some fresh mangostines, and it was back home for a quick shower and, that's right, back to the airport. Next stop, Vietnam, as in Ho Chi Minh, as in insanity. I'll let Hector paint that picture for you later.
Welcome back, everyone. We've missed you.
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